Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bearcat Idol: The Finale

Tonight is the Bearcat Idol Finale, and they're planning on going out with a bang.

Starting tonight at 7, attendees can expect song and dance from the final 15 contestants, as well as special guests Towncrier and the Steppers. Make sure and stop by, make your vote heard, and enjoy yourself; this event is free.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Homeland defense money

Greetings Bearcats!

This is the first installment of a new column designed to discuss interesting events occurring around the country that could affect the lives of students at Northwest. It has recently come to my attention from my Campus Safety spy that the campus officers are seeking to get a hold of homeland defense money to protect Northwest Students from terrorist attacks. The grant in question is designed to attain a Mobile Command Unit, so in the event of a cataclysmic event, campus safety would have a safe place to dispatch the meter maids. [] Now, I can’t blame them for trying, I have yet to meet a law enforcer that didn’t absolutely get giddy with a new toy, but this should be a case in point of the wastefulness of current Homeland Security allocations.

Yesterday, the new majority in the United States Senate passed a bill that potentially exponentially increased the expense of Homeland Security. The Democrats took office with the promise to cut back the out of control defense spending by Republicans. While the Iraq Conflict continues to break the wallets of taxpayers, this trend in increasing the ever watching eye of our law enforcers should be a troubling sign. Not only has the creation of an even larger government agency added to the cost of government, we have given the law man more ways to take away liberties. Communities without the need of extensive terrorism protection mechanisms are suddenly given the means to spend “other” people’s money, in an expensive game of keeping up with the Jones’s.

In closing, I wish Campus Safety the best in grabbing a piece of the pie for Bearcats in the name of life, liberty, and the American way…

From on of our new team members, Jonathan Lowrey

Feel free to leave your opinion about this subject.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Welcome back Bearcats

First off all we would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year from the Bearcat Underground Team. In this first post of the new year we will introduce the changes we have made over break.

The biggest change will be on the team itself. We now have four people on our staff instead of two. During the course of this semester all four staff members will introduce themselves to you.

We also changed some items around. The old Items are all back:
We also have a new item in store for you guys, it's called "The Voices of the Bearcats". Each single one of you can contribute to this item. If something bothering you on campus or you want to get peoples attention about something then let us know and we will post your opinion article. You can send your articles by emailing us at

Beside our regular items we will also have our daily news updates again just like last semester, so make sure you add us to your favorites list and check back each day!