Thursday, November 02, 2006

Under Review: Cary Judd, Live!

Hot out of the concert, and I'm just wishing for more. For the second time, Cary Judd makes a stop at Northwest Missouri State University, and I only wish he would've had a better audience.

Cary Judd is one of the best performers I have ever seen in concert. True to his vocals and his style, Judd delivered a performance that is unique and of a caliber rarely found in college, let alone commercial, concerts.

To watch Cary perform is to see a man, not only passionate about his work, but also a master of his art. He usually begins by laying down a beat track from his snare drum. His effects machine records the track and begins to play it back immediately. From there, he begins beating the bass line softly from his guitar. Once it's added to the mix, he sometimes will add a rhythm guitar track, but just as often he'll jump into his song.

His lyrics are evocative. Make no mistake, they are simple, but they carry a weight in the presentation, and his delivery makes everyone know that this is his music, his creation.

An enjoyable concert, and all around amazing performance, Judd is worth having back, and well worth the hour and a half length.

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