Written and Directed by: Joe Carnahan
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Jeremy Piven, Andy Garcia, Ray Liotta, Alicia Keys, Common, Ben Affleck, and Jason Bateman
The Set-Up:
Buddy “Aces”
The Review:
“Badass” is a word that comes to mind when reviewing this movie. It’s a massively insane set-up that you just have to love because of how insane it is. This movie takes its time. Some people did not like this, but I ate it all up. Most of the movie is setting up for the last half hour or so, and boy is that half hour a doozy.
The hitmen were my favorite part of the movie. They were very colorful, imaginative, and interesting to watch. Even their names were cool as hell. Sharice Watters and Georgia Sykes (Alicia Keys) were the only hit-women of the group.
Affleck, Bateman, and Garcia walked through their roles. Their performances weren’t exceptional, but they were good for what they were. The standouts in my eyes were Jeremy Piven, Ray Liotta, and Ryan Reynolds. They were just solid in their roles. Jeremy Piven gives us an Aces that goes from happy-go-lucky on stage, to a complete asshole, to a cracked out man clinging to his last shards of humanity. Ray Liotta… is just Ray Liotta. He gets overlooked a lot, but he has his moments in this movie. It’s Ryan Reynolds that steals the show as FBI agent Richard Messner. His character just has a bad day in this movie. Ryan Reynolds plays it to perfection.
I just loved this movie. There’s too much to talk about in this little bit of space. It’s an exercise in coolness. It’s not shy about it either. It’s not screaming “Look at me! Look at me!”… but it gets your attention nonetheless.
Favorite Quote: (Moving Ben Affleck's mouth so Affleck seems to be talking to him) “Don't worry, I forgive you for what you did." --Chris Pine as Darwin Tremor
Rating: 9.5/10
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