Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Paul Haggard is too Gay

I just couldn't help myself. Perusing the daily headlines, I found a tidbit on the good reverand Paul Haggard who last month was accused of taking speed with a male prostitute in a hotel. Now the sexual orientation of Rev. Haggard really isn't of concern to me, but he brought this on himself. As it turns out, the Good Word from the pastor has consisted of gay bashing and general hatred towards homosexuals. He admitted to having a "massage" from the cheap gay hooker, and buying the the drugs (but not taking them), and no sex. (right.) Now he has came out of rehab, "completley convinced" he is a heterosexual, and suggesting an eventual return to the ministry.

I hope there is a lesson to be found here. Those that preach the loudest against the deviant behavior have something to prove to themselves. This isn't to say all arguments against homosexual or otherwise deviant behavior is without merit. There is clearly standars of any religions, and requirments to be a part of them. Religion can have a profound and fulfilling place in the lives of many. I also believe it to be a personal experience. Recruting as part of the faith is a requirment for many to reach "heaven" or "nirvana" or whatever. Acting as the moral police based soley on the Bible would be judging others...still a bad thing in the good book last I checked.

Paul Haggard; You are a sorry individual, but tearing down the devide between the blind christian gay-haters and the rest of the civilized world. Thanks.


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