Thursday, November 02, 2006

Students can't vote on campus for mid-term voting

Northwest Students will have to go into town to vote for the mid-term voting this year. This is due to the low amount of students that are registered to vote. Whether this is a wise decision is yet to be determent for the actual turn out might even be lower because of this.

Students who want to take the extra step have to go to the First Christian Church to vote for the Mid-term elections on Nov. 7. The polls are open from 6 a.m. till 7 p.m.

Students that are not registered to vote in Maryville can travel home and vote at their county office on Saturday Nov. 4 from 8 a.m. till noon. This only applies to students that are from Missouri.

Student wanting a ride to the polls on Tuesday can either e-mail the Student Affairs office or call them at 562-1242.


Teeny said...

A lot of people while they are at school use absentee ballots, at least that is what I always did, so hopefully this is not a sign that students are not voting, maybe they are just doing absentee.

Egon Heidendal said...

That's a good comment Christine, lets hope indeed that they are using those absentee ballots and students are still voting.

I still think that not having a poll on campus will cause less students to vote, especially those that are to busy to go off campus on that particular day.